Accidental or Planted

Windows XP Home Win98 NT4 2000 Pro


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...

But it CAN and DOES happen all the time! It's better to be safe, than sorry!

Almost anyone could plant dubious material on a PC

A disgruntled employee, spouse, Internet hacker, or dubious website, can easily dump embarrassing even illegal material onto your computer!

It is a fact that it is very easy to accidentally download or even to be sent "sensitive material" without realizing it, until it's too late. It is also pretty easy to end up " off side" with some people on the internet, especially on the newsgroups, as some may try to electronically plant such material onto another's computer. 

What happened to Steve Gibson of was he posted a message to one of his own security newsgroups about "script kiddies" one day but a young teenage " cracker" took serious offence to what Steve had said. So the teenager organized a DoS [denial of service] attack against the GRC website servers which knocked his website out for weeks. 

Some people go for a DoS attack, some send viruses, others trojans and some may even plant extreme xxx or illegal pornography. There are some very clever folks out there with a lot more knowledge and skill than sense. It is not impossible to slip an illegal file/s onto an unsuspecting amateur's computer. Yes it's rare, but it really does happen!

If you don't clean up this material from your PC you can get into some serious trouble!


How secure is your computer on the Internet?

Is your computer totally secure on the internet? Without the proper protection these days it is easy to gain unauthorized access to someone else's computer. Also most online services such as ICQ are not very secure. Some dubious types could easily compromise your privacy and your reputation, by transferring what we would call sensitive material onto your hard drive!

A disgruntled spouse, an ex-lover, a business partner or competitor wants you out of the way; pretty much ANYONE could load sensitive, illegal images or files onto your computer without your knowledge. You would never know until the machine was brought into court or some over-zealous computer technician found it when servicing your PC.

How easy would it be for family, friends or even an enemy to gain access to your computer? Would you like to have planted files, your online history or downloaded files being viewed by these people? More than likely you prefer that what was your personal private business, always remained totally private. The only way to do this effectively is to clean up all your internet and computer history from the PC automatically.


Sharing computers at home and at work

What about any other people who share the same computer as you? How would you know for sure that they have not downloaded anything unsafe? Always be aware, if it's on your PC you are responsible for it!

Do you surf the internet and send E-mail at work? Your work PC will be full of evidence. It is becoming common in the workplace for companies to copy and investigate the contents of workers computers out of hours - without your consent or knowledge. According to an APB Online News report, 73.5% of all companies admit they "record and review their employees' communications and activities on the job."

Even before you actually see something you may have accidentally downloaded, the files and history records have been stored on your computer! And always remember, that just "deleting" files or clearing the cache and history logs does not destroy them from your hard drive. Such information can easily be recovered by anyone with access to your computer.

Tis is why it is so important to clean up your pc regularly


Evidence Eliminator automatically provides protection

With Evidence Eliminator your privacy and reputation will always be protected... and even if you forget, you will be reminded automatically at shutdown to clean up your system!

Like using an office shredder... Evidence Eliminator is simple, easy and effective!

You can simply choose what level of Privacy suits you. You may want to keep your favorite folders intact, to preserve your Internet History, Cache files and other recent history. Or you may choose to destroy them totally every day or just once a month. It is up to you to choose.  

Finally, YOU get to decide what stays on YOUR Computer!

By running it every day, you can be sure no snoop will ever find anything worth gossiping about. And even if there never is anything of concern to clean up, the program is still worth the full price, just for clearing up all the Windows junk files! Using this software will automatically speed up your computer and help it run more reliably as well.


Lack of security at ICQ and other online Chat services

The fine print clearly spells out the lack of security at ICQ & UseNet

The following Notice is a part of the ICQ Terms of Service and clearly explains the vulnerability of users to unauthorized access of their computer by others. 

The most important phrase reads:
Please note that the ICQ service and software, as with most Internet applications, is vulnerable to various security issues and hence should be considered unsecured.

The bottom line today is, that very little privacy or protection can be found when using such services on the Internet. Please read the ICQ Notice below...



Please note that the ICQ service and software, as with most Internet applications, is vulnerable to various security issues and hence should be considered unsecured. By using the ICQ service and software and the Internet in general, you may be subject to various risks, including among others: 

* Exposure to objectionable material and/or parties, including without limitation, contaminated files. 

* Unauthorized invasion of your privacy during, or as a result of, your use or another's use of the system. 

* Spoofing, eavesdropping, sniffing, spamming, breaking passwords, harassment, fraud, forgery, impostors, electronic trespassing, tampering, hacking, nuking, system contamination including without limitation use of viruses, worms and Trojan horses causing unauthorized, damaging or harmful access and/or retrieval of information and data on your computer and other forms of activity that may even be considered unlawful.

* Unauthorized exposure of information and material you listed or sent, on or through the ICQ system to other users, the general public or any other specific entities for which the information and material was not intended by you. 

If you do not wish to be subjected to these risks, you are advised not to use the ICQ service and software. Furthermore, please do not use the ICQ service and software for "Mission Critical" or "Content Sensitive" applications and purposes. For the purpose of this section "Mission Critical" applications and purposes shall mean applications and use that may result in damage; "Content Sensitive" shall mean any information or data you do not wish to be freely accessible and generally available to Internet users.

Please note that in each and every Internet application, the IP address of the sender is an integral part of the TCP/IP standard protocol of the Internet, and can be extracted by any party to the communication session using certain software and/or hardware. Also note that the IP privacy feature, designed to allow an ICQ user to reduce the exposure of his/her IP address on ICQ, is provided to you as a convenience only and does not guarantee a complete non-exposure of your IP address. 

For the ICQ software's terms of service please review the ICQ License Agreement, the Privacy Policy, the Acceptable Use Policy, Usage Notices, Tools Notices and any other terms of service document available on or through Always check for the latest terms of service available on or through

European Union ICQ users understand and consent to the processing of personal information in the United States.

 Read about the serious problems online CHAT LOGS have caused in REAL LIFE


Accidental downloads or planted material are only one way that



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